Tuesday, 10 October 2017

English 11

We've been wrapping up our unit on Lord of the Flies. Last week, students worked on their final projects. Today, we worked on planning for the 'In-Class' Essay. There will not be a final test on Lord of the Flies (just the essay).


  • LOF 'In-class' Essay: Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017
  • LOF Final Project: Monday, Oct. 16, 2017

French 10

Don't forget - Presentations are next class ! (Thursday, October 12, 2017)

English 8

Last week, we've been doing review for the upcoming Short Story Test. Students also continued working on their final projects and analyzed the plot elements in "Fantastic Mr. Fox". We also started a character paragraph today. Don't forget to study for your test tomorrow!
Things to use to study:
-All notes on parts of plot and elements of plot
-Review booklet
-Short Story worksheets


  • Short Story Test: Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017

Monday, 2 October 2017

English 8

Last week and today, we read and discussed "The Monkey's Paw". A worksheet was given out; it's for homework if it was not completed. We also watched a couple video adaptations of the story.


  • "Tell-Tale Heart" One-Pager: OVERDUE
  • "Monkey's Paw" worksheet: due next class if not completed

French 10

We've been working on adjectives and colours the past few classes. Remember - quiz on 'aller' tomorrow!

English 11

We started a final project for Lord of the Flies; by now you should be finished the novel since we have a quiz tomorrow on the final chapters. You'll get more time for the project.


  • LOF Brochure : OVERDUE
  • LOF Quiz (Chpts 10-12): Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

English 11

Just a reminder that is was the last class to work on the LOF brochures today. They are due Friday, Sept. 29, 2017.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

French 9

Good luck with the rest of the semester Grade 9's! Shannon Sternloff will be taking over the class from now on. Bonne chance!

French 10

It's been a while since I've posted on the blog and I'm sorry. Here are some reminders for tomorrow:


  • Quiz (être, avoir, ER regular verbs): Wednesday, September 27, 2017
  • 'Maison hantée): overdue
  • 5 sentences describing objects in the classroom to be handed in next class if they weren't already

English 8

Thank you for working so well these last few days Grade 8's! Remember you have another class on Thursday to work on you "Tell-Tale Heart" One-pager.


  • Letter to Ms. Jones (plan, draft and good copy): dye Thursday, September 28, 2017
  • Open book grammar quiz on capitalization and apostrophes: Thursday, September 28, 2017

English 11

I apologize for not writing on the blog for a long time! I will be more current from now on. Remember that you have another library period to work on the Lord of the Flies brochures, and you should be finishing Chapter 10 in the novel today.


  • LOF quiz (Chapters 5-9) : Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017
  • LOF Questions (Chapters 7-8): due Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017

Friday, 8 September 2017

Français 9

Bonne fin de semaine!

À Noter:

  • "Cherchez le Mot" (Wordsearch): lundi le 11 septembre
  • Quiz de grammaire (aller, faire, être, avoir, verbes ER): mardi le 12 septembre

Français 10

Bonne fin de semaine!

À Noter:

  • Quiz de grammaire (aller, faire, être, avoir, verbes ER): mardi le 12 septembre

English 8

Welcome to RSS Grade 8's! It's been very nice getting to know you this week.

This week, students have been taking lots of notes on parts of plot and elements of plot. They also started working on a 'Thumbprint' assignment, which we'll continue next week.


  • Have your course outlines signed if you haven't already!

English 11

Welcome to "DEATH 11"!

This week, students completed a narrative writing assignment, which was due by the end of the week. We also quickly reviewed terms, and read Chapter 1 of Lord of the Flies.


    • Narrative writing assignment: OVERDUE
    • Finish Chapter 1 in Lord of the Flies
    • Complete Chapter 1 questions: due Monday, Sept.11
    • Literary Terms Quiz: Monday, Sept. 11

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

SS 8

This week, we've wrapped up out unit on exploration and colonisation. Today students started a final review board game project. They will be given the rest of the remaining classes to work on this.

English 10: Blocks 1/2 and 5/6

This week, we've been reviewing for the Animal Farm test and the final exam. Students have worked on a practice test and we've reviewed terms.

  • Animal Farm Test: Tomorrow, June 15, 2017

Thursday, 8 June 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

You guys worked so well on our last double block day before exams!

This week, we've continued reading Animal Farm and are now halfway through Chapter 9. Students have spent most of the week working on their last literary paragraph of the year and we've been reviewing some grammar rules.

Today, we also did song analysis, students worked on questions for Chapters 7-8, and I gave a history lesson on Stalin's Five Year Plans and the Battle of Stalingrad.

  • Chapter 7-8 worksheet: due Friday, June 9, 2017

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

SS 8

Monday, students presented their Renaissance projects and filled out a chart on navigation technology. Tuesday, we continued presentations and spent the rest of class playing review games for the Renaissance. Today, students wrote a Renaissance test and worked in the IT lab on a current event task.

Make sure to check you marks for missing assignments!

English 10: Blocks 5/6

This week, we've read up to Chapter 10 in Animal Farm and students completed a literary paragraph for the novel. Today, students worked on questions and vocabulary, we did song analysis, and we watched a bit of the Animal Farm movie.

  • Chapter 7-8 worksheet was to be handed in today!
  • Literary paragraph: Friday, June 9, 2017

Friday, 2 June 2017

SS 8

This week, students had one more class to work on their Renaissance PowerPoints; we will start presenting Monday, June 5, 2017. Students also completed their Renaissance Test Review booklet, which was submitted today. In addition, we went through current events, students worked in groups on review questions, and we started the next chapter on Exploration and Discovery (there were notes associated with this).

  • Unit Review: due today!
  • Renaissance project: due Monday, June 5, 2017
  • Renaissance Test: Wednesday, June 7, 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

This week, we've continued reading Animal Farm and finished Chapter 6 today. We also started watching the movie version of the novel. Today we went through a history lesson on Stalin and Trotsky. We also worked on vocabulary.

  • Marks are posted!
  • Chapter 5/6 Chart: due Monday, June 5, 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

This week, we've continued reading Animal Farm and we are halfway through Chapter 7. We also started watching the movie version of the novel. Today we went through a history lesson on Stalin and Trotsky. We also worked on vocabulary.

  • Marks are posted!
  • Chapter 5/6 Chart: due Monday, June 5, 2017

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

SS 8

Monday, we went over a review crossword. We then read on article on the "Top 10 Most Controversial Scientists" and we discussed what the term 'controversy' means. Students completed a chart; for each scientist, they wrote down the advancements and the controversy. We then read some pages in the textbook on the Scientific Revolution in Europe during the Renaissance, and discussed some of the controversies with the discoveries and the Catholic Church. We also watched some quick clips on Galileo and Copernicus. Students had questions to complete for homework.

Today, students wrote a story in which they had to use 10 vocabulary words from the Renaissance. After that, they worked on a unit review.

  •  Textbook Q's (p.233 #1, 3, 4, and 6) : due today:
  • Renaissance story: due tomorrow, May 31, 2017
  •  Renaissance Test: Wednesday June 7, 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Since Friday, we read up to Chapter 5 in Animal Farm. Students completed analysis charts for Chapters 1/2 and 3/4. We also went through a couple of history lessons: one regarding George Orwell and Karl Marx, and the other regarding Lenin and the Bolshevik revolution. Together, we are gradually making comparisons between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution.

Students completed practice tests for "Romeo and Juliet" on Monday,  which were submitted and handed back marked today - don't forget to study!

  • "Romeo and Juliet" Test: Wednesday, May 31, 2017
  • Make sure both charts for Animal Farm are turned in

English 10: Blocks 1/2

This week, we read up to Chapter 6 in Animal Farm. Students completed analysis charts for Chapters 1/2 and 3/4. We also went through a couple of history lessons: one regarding George Orwell and Karl Marx, and the other regarding Lenin and the Bolshevik revolution. Together, we are gradually making comparisons between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution.

Practice tests for "Romeo and Juliet" were handed back today - don't forget to study!

  • "Romeo and Juliet" Test: Thursday, June 1, 2017
  • Make sure both charts for Animal Farm are turned in

Friday, 26 May 2017

SS 8

This week, students continued working on their Renaissance projects and we mainly discussed Renaissance art. Wednesday, we compared Medieval and Renaissance art and architecture analyzing images and techniques.

Today, we discussed the invention of the printing press and the Renaissance in Northern Europe. Students completed a chart comparing Northern European art with Renaissance art. At the end of class, they worked on a crossword.

No homework:)

English 10: Blocks 5/6

This week, we finished reading "Romeo and Juliet" and watched both movie versions.

Today, I was away, but students read the first two chapters of Animal Farm and completed a chart based on details in the novel.

  • Act 5 questions were due today!
  • "Romeo and Juliet" Test: Wednesday, May 31, 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

This week, we wrapped up reading "Romeo and Juliet" and finished both movie versions. We also discussed elements of Shakespearean tragedy and worked on a practice test, which was to be submitted today.

Today, we read and discussed the first two chapters of the novel Animal Farm, which will be our last unit.

  • Practice tests were due today!
  • "Romeo and Juliet" Test: Thursday, June 1, 2017

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

SS 8

Today we discussed Humanism during the Renaissance. We compared Humanist beliefs with medieval beliefs. We also looked specifically at Petrarch, Machiavelli, and Savonarola.

  • Textbook Q's - p. 225, #1, 2, 3, and 4a
  • Renaissance mini quiz: Friday, May 27, 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

Today we finished reading "Romeo and Juliet" - yay! Thanks to my readers for the last scenes!

  • "R&J" projects were due last week!

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Today we read Act 4, Scene 5, and Act 5, Scenes 1 and 2 in "Romeo and Juliet". There's only one more scene to go! We also watched Act 4 in the movie and worked on questions.

  • Act 4 questions : due next class
  • "R&J" projects : due today!

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

We're almost done "Romeo and Juliet"! Thank you to my readers!

This week, we've finished Acts 3 and 4 in "Romeo and Juliet". Students also had one last period today to finish their creative assignments for the play. The projects are due Friday.

  • Make sure to hand in all questions for Acts 3 and 4
  • Quiz (Acts 2 and 3 only): Friday, May 19, 2017
  • R&J Creative Project: Friday, May 19, 2017

SS 8

Here's what we've been up to this week:

Monday - students continued working on their Italian Renaissance maps, which were due Tuesday. We also discussed the reasons why the Renaissance started in Italy, and the development of city-states. Then, students were split into 2 groups and had to fill out a chart on either Venice or Florence. They then copied down the information on to their own comparison chart.

Tuesday - we looked at a couple videos displaying images of Florence and Venice. We also read pages in the textbook discussing the Renaissance role of the family and the Medici's. Then students did a role-play activity in which they had to act out some of the Medici assassinations.

  • Textbook Questions: p. 221, #1, 2, 3b, 4a, and 5 - due next class!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

Today we read Act Two, scenes 5 and 6 in "Romeo and Juliet", and students completed questions. If you were away for track, try to catch up on the reading and I can assign the questions on Thursday. We also started watching a parody of "Romeo and Juliet" called "Warm Bodies".

  • Finish Act Twp questions
  • Act One Quiz: Thursday, May 11, 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Today we finished reading Act Two in "Romeo and Juliet" and worked on questions for the last scenes. If you were away for track, catch up on the reading and I can assign the questions tomorrow.

  • Act Two Questions to complete
  • Act One Quiz: tomorrow, May 10, 2017

SS 8

Good luck studying!!!

We had many students away for track today, so we spent the whole class working on the unit review. If you were away, you can finish it for homework for tomorrow.

  • Stained Glass: due tomorrow, May 10, 2017
  • Unit 5 Test: tomorrow, May 10, 2017

Thursday, 4 May 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

Have a great long weekend!

Today we watched the rest of the Act One part in the movie "Romeo and Juliet" and read up to Act Two, Scene 3. During the second half of class, we started a creative assignment for the play. We'll have another class for this next week.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Social Studies 8

Today students worked on a Gothic stained glass image, and we finished watching "The Plague" documentary. Toward the end of class, I handed out a Unit Review for Chapter 5, since we will have a test next week.

  • "The Plague" Viewing sheet: Finish for Monday if it wasn't completed in class
  • Unit 5 Test: Wednesday, May 10, 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

We started off the day by finishing the first Act of "Romeo and Juliet" (the movie), and then worked on remaining questions for Act One. Students then went to the Health and Wellness Fair, which was great!

In the second half, students worked on a visual interpretation of "Queen Mab". We watched a short animation of the speech and read the translation. Students has to draw an image of her based on the speech and include one quote.

After that, we  started reading Act Two, and almost finished scene two.

  • All Act One Questions (2 worksheets): Due Monday, May 8, 2017
  • Queen Mab Image : Monday, May 8, 2017
  • Act One Quiz: Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Social Studies 8

Yesterday, students had another class to finish working on their historical comic strip assignment. Most students finished and they looked great!

Today we looked at Gothic architecture in the Late Middle Ages, we discussed how the role of the Church changed, and we started discussing the Black Death.

  • Historical Comic Strip Assignment: due Monday, May 8, 2017
  • Textbook Q's- p. 160#1,2,3,7 and p.167# 1a,  6: due next class

English 10: Blocks 5/6

So far this week, we've read and discussed Act One of "Romeo and Juliet" and began watching the movie. We'll continue working on questions tomorrow.

  • Just a reminder that I'm still missing some Speak Journals!

English 10: Blocks 1/2

So far this week, we've read and discussed Act One of "Romeo and Juliet" and began watching the movie. Students have been working on corresponding questions.

  • Act 1, scenes 1-3 Questions: due yesterday
  • Act 1, scenes 4-5 Questions: due next class
  • Just a reminder that I'm still missing some Speak Journals!

Friday, 28 April 2017

SS 8

On Thursday's class, students worked on a booklet on 'guilds' and we discussed life in town in the Middle Ages. We also started a 'Historical Comic Strip' project.

Today, we discussed women of the Middle Ages, and students worked on questions.

  • Worksheet (p.149-157) - due Monday, May 1, 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2 and 5/6

Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

For the remainder of this week, students wrote a test on Speak, and also an in-class essay. We also did an introduction to Shakespeare and "Romeo and Juliet".

  • Speak Journals: due today!

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

SS 8

Last Friday, we finished watching "A Knight's Tale"  and students completed the viewing sheet. This week, we've discussed the Hundred Years war, Joan of Arc, Medieval trade and guilds. Students were assigned some textbook questions. Today, students worked in groups on a chart comparing medieval fairs, the Revelstoke farmer's market, and shopping malls.

  • Heraldry Coat of Arms: due Thursday, April 27, 2017
  • Textbook Q's, p.149, #1, 2, 3a, and 5: due Thursday, April 27, 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Last Friday, students completed study notes for Speak, and played some language board games. This week, we've been focusing on essay prep for the upcoming in-class essay on Friday. Today we also played a review game for the novel, and started watching a documentary about the Jian Ghomeshi assault trial, as a parallel to themes in Speak. 

  • Speak Project: due Today!
  • Speak Test: Thursday, April 27, 2017
  • Speak Journals: Friday, April 28, 2017
  • Speak In -class Essay: Friday, April 28, 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

Last Friday, students had another period to work on their Speak projects. This week, we've been focusing on essay prep for the upcoming in-class essay on Friday. Today we also played a review game, and started watching a documentary about the Jian Ghomeshi assault trial, as a parallel to themes in Speak. 


  • Speak Project: due Today!
  • Speak Test: Wednesday, April 26, 2017
  • Speak Journals: Friday, April 28, 2017
  • Speak In -class Essay: Friday, April 28, 2017

Thursday, 20 April 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

This week, students were assigned to finish reading Speak. We discussed the end of the novel and finished the movie. Students also worked on their final project  (today was the last class given for this), and took notes on symbols.

  • Speak Project: due Tuesday, April April 25, 2017
  • Speak Test: Thursday, April 27, 2017
  • Speak Journals: Friday, April 28, 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

This week, students were assigned to finish reading Speak. We discussed the end of the novel and finished the movie. Students also started a final project (which we'll continue Friday), and took notes on symbols and themes.

  • Speak Project: due Tuesday, April April 25, 2017
  • Speak Test: Wednesday, April 26, 2017
  • Speak Journals: Friday, April 28, 2017

SS 8

This week, we started learning about chivalry in the High Middle Ages. We discussed the stages of becoming a knight and looked at different parts of armour. Students also completed questions from the textbook.

Today, we talked about heraldry and students started making their own coat of arms. We'll continue this next class. We also started watching the film A Knight's Tale.

  • Term ends today!
  • Questions from textbook were due today! (p.145, #1a, 2, 3, 4a)

Thursday, 13 April 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

This week, students have been continuing to read Speak, work through booklets and work on their journals.

Today, we wrote a quiz, did some song analysis, and started watching the movie.

  • Finish reading Speak: Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

This week, students have been continuing to read Speak, work through booklets and work on questions.

Today, we wrote a quiz, started a final assignment and started watching the movie.

  • Finish reading Speak: Thursday, April 20, 2017

SS 8

This week, we've been focusing mainly on review for Unit 2 (The High Middle Ages). Early this week, we finished going through the review booklet and played some review games. Students also started a persuasive paragraph, which we've been working on continually this week.

Today, we read the story of "Sir Percival" in out textbooks and students completed questions. We also watched a video on "Life in the Middle Ages (The Merchant)". We spent the whole second period writing a final test on Unit 2.

  • Persuasive paragraphs (plan, rough copy and good copy): due Tuesday, April 18, 2017
  • Check your marks for missing work! There is only one more week until the end of term!

Thursday, 6 April 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

Thanks for the song analysis participation today!

We started off the first period with a quotation exercise and students were introduced to a reading response assignment for the novel Speak. They had time to work on a journal response and silent read. We then discussed some important themes in the novel.

In the second half, we did some song analysis and students participated in a storytelling activity.

  • Marks are posted! Term End is April 20, 2017!
  • Read up to p. 68 in Speak for next class

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

SS 8

Great Pictionary participation today!

We spent the majority of class working on a couple of world political maps. Students then had time to work through their Unit 2 review booklets and we played a game of Pictionary. 

  • Unit Review: Due Friday, April 7, 2017
  • Unit 2 Test: Wednesday, April 12, 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Your stories are very entertaining Grade 10's!

We started off the first period working through the novel Speak. We discussed some of the events, students had time to silent read, work on questions, and we started a reading-response assignment.

In the second period, we did some practice with quotations and analyzed a couple of songs. Students then broke into groups and participated in a storytelling activity.

  • Read up to page 68 in Speak
  • Questions  for page 24-46 - due next class 

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

SS 8

Welcome back Grade 8's!

Yesterday, we pent most of class going over Royal Power and Democracy in the Middle Ages. If you did not complete the notes, make sure to copy off someone. Students then worked on questions.

Today, students started a review booklet for Unit 2. There will be a test next week.

  • Questions due today! (p.67 #1, 2, 3a & c, 4)
  • Unit 2 Test (The Middle Ages): Wednesday, April 12, 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Welcome back!

We started a novel study this week on Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak. On Monday, we did a pre-reading survey as a class and had some discussion around topics of bullying, and school cliques. We then read the first section.

Today, we completed a package on the first section, including vocabulary and a plot analysis chart. Students then completed questions for the first 24 pages.

  • Read up to p.46
  • !st marking period booklet : Finish for Wednesday, April 5, 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

Welcome back!

We started a novel study this week on Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak. On Monday, we did a pre-reading survey as a class and had some discussion around topics of bullying, and school cliques. We then read the first section.

Today, we completed a package on the first section, including vocabulary and a plot analysis chart. Students then completed questions for pages 24-46.

  • Read up to p.46
  • Questions  for 24-46: Finish for Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thursday, 16 March 2017

SS 8

Spring Break is almost here!

On Tuesday's class, we discussed 'worldview' in the Middle Ages and the Crusades. I then gave students some time to do a write-up about their manors.

Today, students presented their manors. They all look so fantastic! We then watched "Kingdom of Heaven"; we'll finish the movie and the viewing sheet tomorrow.

  • Have your Course Selections signed!

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Here's a re-cap of our week:

Tuesday: We worked on grammar and descriptive paragraphs, and played a review game based off questions put together by students.

Thursday: We read "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury and watched a short film adaptation of the story. Students then had to complete one journal entry based off one of the characters in the story.

Students also wrote their short story final test.

  • Descriptive paragraphs to hand in!
  • "All Summer in a Day" Assignment to complete

English 10: Blocks 1/2

Here's a re-cap of what we did this week:

Tuesday: we played a review game with the questions put together by students; we then read "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury. Students then had to complete journal entries based off two characters in the story, representing the differing points of view of the characters.

Wednesday: Ms. Cancilla visited our class and did a lesson on First People storytelling and traditional oral narratives. We started off with a talking circle, and then students split into groups of three to share their own stories; each group had to take turns with their roles as the observer, the storyteller, and the recorder.

We also had a final test on our short story unit.

  • "All Summer in a Day" assignments: overdue

Monday, 13 March 2017

SS 8

Today, we read about the feudal court system (Manor courts/Royal courts/Church courts) and completed a chart as a class. Students were then assigned some independent reading and questions from the textbook.

  • Textbook Questions - p.56 #1-4 and p.59 #1-5 a/c: due tomorrow
  • Manor projects: Due Thursday, March 16, 2017 (no more class time given for this)

English 10: Blocks 1/2 and 5/6

English Blocks  1/2 - Test pushed back to Wednesday.
English Blocks 5/6  - Test pushed back to Thursday.

Today, we finished watching "My Left Foot". Students then worked on descriptive writing.

  • Short Story Test 
Blocks 1/2: Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Blocs 5/6: Thursday, March 14, 2017
  • Short Story Projects: OVERDUE

Thursday, 9 March 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2 and 5/6

We are at the end of our unit on short stories and short texts, so we will be having a test next Tuesday. I had students divided in groups and started creating review questions, which we'll use to study on Monday. Students also read "My Left Foot" independently and completed an analysis chart.

  • Short Story Test: Tuesday, March 14, 2017

English 10
Sightlines 10 Test Review

·      Plot
·      Parts of plot  (introduction, initial incident, rising action, climax, denouement/
·      Setting
·      Flashback
·      Types of conflict
·      Foreshadowing

·      Mood
·      Atmosphere
·      Tone
·      Protagonist
·      Antagonist
·      Characterization
·      Theme
·      Suspense
·      Types of characters (round/flat/stock/
·      Narrative hook
·      Narrative twist
·      Situational irony
·      Verbal Irony
·      Dramatic Irony
·      P.O.V. (first person, second person, third person objective, third person limited, third person omniscient)

“Terrible Things” by Eve Bunting
“Lather and Nothing Else” by Hernando Tellez
 “My Body is My Own Business” by Sultana Yusufali
“My Body” Comic Strip
“I’m Not My Brother; I’m Me” by Peg Kehret
“The Face In The Pool” by Mary Pope Osborne
“My Left Foot” by Christy Brown
“Borders” by Thomas King
 “Warren Pryor” By Alden Nowlan
“Nonconformist” by Angela Shelf Medearis
 “This is a Test” by Stephen Gregg
“How to Act If You Do Not Want to Be Called On” by Delia Ephron
“The Landlady” by Roald Dahl
“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut
“The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe

SS 8

Thanks for the help moving chairs!!!

Today, I started a lesson on the role of the Catholic Church in feudalism; we'll continue the lesson tomorrow. Students had another class to work on their manors.

  • Parent-teacher night tonight!

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6 and 1/2

Today we read the myth "The Face in the Pool". We discussed the purpose of a myth and the term 'narcissism'. We then watched a video exploring the rise of narcissism in accordance with social media. Students wrote a reflective paragraph on the topic, and they were given time to work on their projects once that was finished.

  • Short Story projects: due Friday, March 10, 2017

SS 8

Today, students had course selections for the majority of the block, so they only had a bit of time to work on their manors. I will only give one more class to work on them, and then they will be due next week.

  • Remember to have your progress reports signed and brought back!

Monday, 6 March 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6 and 1/2

We've been working on short story projects the last two classes; tomorrow, I'll give another 20 minutes in class, and then they will be due Friday.

Interim reports were sent home last week. Make sure to hand in any missing assignments!

  • Short Story Projects: due Friday, March 10, 2017

SS 8

We've been working on the 3D manors Friday and today - they are looking soooooo great! I'll give another class for the projects. Remember to have your progress reports signed and brought back!

  • Signed progress reports

Thursday, 2 March 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

We started off the day with a grammar quiz, and then I gave students more time to work on their character paragraphs. This is due tomorrow.

We also discussed a Ted Talks by model Cameron Russel regarding body image, and some current events surrounding 'islamophobia'. Students then read "My Body is My Own Business" and "My Body" in Sightlines 10. They completed corresponding questions in class.

In the second half, students started a short story project.


  • Character paragraphs : due Friday!!!!

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Great concentration today!

We started off the day with a grammar quiz, and then I gave students more time to work on their character paragraphs. This is due Friday. After, we did some song analysis and read a New Yorker article about "A Tribe Called Quest". In the second half, students started a short story project.

  • Character paragraphs : due Friday!!!!

SS 8

Fun class today!

We started off the day working on a visual design of the interior of a lord's house. This was the only class for this assignment, so it will be due for homework. We then finished watching "Worst Jobs of the Middle Ages". After the break, we started working on a 3D diorama of a feudal manor. We'll continue this next class, so bring materials if you can remember!

  • Lord and Lady Manor Q's - due today!
  • Lord's house Visual: due Friday, March 3, 2017

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

SS 8

Today we discussed the Lord and Lady of the Manor. We started off with a bit of a review discussion on the feudal manor. We then read an article describing the lord's house, and completed questions as a class. Then students were assigned some reading and questions from the textbook. Additionally, as a class, we completed a chart comparing women's rights then and now. To finish off, we started watching "Worst Jobs of the Middle Ages".

  • Lord and Lady of the Manor textbook questions: due next class!
  • Bring any materials you can scrounge up for a 3-D model of a manor (cotton balls, toothpick, Popsicle sticks, Lego, clay, etc.) - we'll start this next class

English 10

Today we finished watching the short film "2081". We then started writing a character paragraph; students had the choice of three stories to choose from for this task.

  • "Harrison Bergeron" questions and paragraph: due today!!!!
  • Open-book grammar quiz: Next class
  • Character paragraph (plan, draft, good copy): due Friday, March 3, 2017

Monday, 27 February 2017

SS 8

Welcome back band students!

Today we mostly focused on Manor Life in the feudal system. We took a virtual tour of a medieval manor and watched a video of a 3D model demonstration. I spent most of class going through a PowerPoint; there were "Fill-in-the-Blank" notes to go along with this. We also read a portion of the textbook explaining manor life.

  • Europe Maps (p.49) : due today!

English 10

Today we read and discussed Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron".  There were corresponding questions and a literary persuasive paragraph to complete with the story. We also started watching the short film adaptation of the story "2081".

  • "Harrison Bergeron" questions and paragraph: due next class!

English 10: Blocks 1/2

Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017

Here's some things we've been up to in English 10  in the past two weeks.

Last week, we read the poem "Non-conformist" and discussed the concept of conforming. As an example, we looked at the Grunge revolution in the 1990's and read a Rolling Stone article on Kurt Cobain. Students completed questions in class. We also watched and completed a characterization analysis for the movie Little Miss Sunshine; students also had to explain how each character in the movie is a non-conformist.

This week, we read the story "Borders" by Thomas King and discussed some of the history with First People political struggles in North America. Students had questions and a characterization chart to complete for the story.

On Tuesday, the class went to the theatre for a presentation on technology and jobs.

On Thursday's class, we looked at stereotypes, expectations, judgement and test anxiety. We read the monologue "I'm Not my Brother; I'm Me", which addresses siblings and expectations. We then watched an episode of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air", as an example demonstrating similar themes. We then read the satirical excerpt "How Not to get Called on", and as a class, we read the play "This is a Test". There were questions to be completed for all of these.

  • Questions for "Borders" - overdue
  • Questions for 'school stereotypes and anxiety' - to have been turned in during class

Thursday, 23 February 2017

SS 8

Here are some things we've been doing in Social Studies in the last two weeks.

Last week, we finished doing some review for Unit 1; we completed a unit review, students played Pictionary, and we watched a video on the "Dark Ages". I was away Friday, but students wrote a test on Unit 1 and completed a crossword.

This week, we've been looking at the Feudal Pyramid and the Feudal contract in the Middle Ages. On Monday, we did a class simulation in which students were assigned different roles of monarchs, lords, knights, and serfs.

We also read a handout comparing the Roman World with the Feudal world. Students were assigned to cut out different facts and paste them into a Venn Diagram. Additionally, we went through a PowerPoint and notes on the Middle Ages.

On Wednesday, we spent a block in the library playing Settlers of Catan. In the second period, we read and discussed "The Bayeux Tapestry" in the textbook and students completed corresponding questions. Students also worked on geography map, analyzing the optimal places in Europe for manor living.

  • "Bayeux Tapestry" Questions should have been turned in 
  • Map assignment : due Monday, Feb. 27, 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Here's some things we've been up to in English 10  in the past two weeks.

Last week, we read the poem "Non-conformist" and discussed the concept of conforming. As an example, we looked at the Grunge revolution in the 1990's and read a Rolling Stone article on Kurt Cobain. Students completed questions in class. We also watched and completed a characterization analysis for the movie Little Miss Sunshine; students also had to explain how each character in the movie is a non-conformist.

This week, we read the story "Borders" by Thomas King and discussed some of the history with First People political struggles in North America. Students had questions and a characterization chart to complete for the story.

Furthermore, we did some song analysis based off students requests of songs. We read and discussed "My Body is my own Business" in Sightlines 10 and looked at current media controversy over 'islamophobia'. Students also read the comic strip "My Body" independently and completed questions.

On Wednesday's class, we looked at stereotypes, expectations, judgement and test anxiety. We read the monologue "I'm Not my Brother; I'm Me", which addresses siblings and expectations. We then watched an episode of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air", as an example demonstrating similar themes. We then read the satirical excerpt "How Not to get Called on", and as a class, we read the play "This is a Test". There were questions to be completed for all of these.

  • Questions for "Borders" - overdue
  • Questions for "My Body is My own Business" - overdue
  • Questions for 'school stereotypes and anxiety' - to have been turned in during class
  • Visual representation of "This is a Test" - due next class

Tuesday, 14 February 2017


Today, I handed back the Europe Maps and the notes from "Rome: Engineering an Empire".  Students then received a unit review sheet to complete for next class. For the last 30 mins of class, we went to the library to play some BBC Interactive games.

  • Unit Review: due Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017
  • Unit 1 Quiz: Friday, Feb. 17, 2017

English 10

Today, we looked at sentence fragments and run-on sentences. We then read and discussed "Lather, And Nothing Else" in Sightlines 10. I gave a bit of background of La Vilolencia period in Columbia to explain the story's context. We worked on the comprehension questions as a class, and then students had to find 3 character traits and quotations for both the characters in the story.


Blocks 1/2

  • "Raven" One- Pagers - OVERDUE
  • "Lather, And Nothing Else" worksheet: due tomorrow, Feb. 15, 2017

Blocks 5/6 

  • "Raven" One-Pagers - OVERDUE 
  • "Lather, And Nothing Else" worksheet: due Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017

Thursday, 9 February 2017

English 10 - Blocks 1/2 and 5/6

Over the past few days, we worked on apostrophe usage and continued our study of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven". I went through a PowerPoint explaining each stanza of the poem, and students completed questions/notes as we went through it. After that, students had time to find 10 poetic devices in the poem. Additionally, we watched a video adaptation.

We also worked on a 'One Pager' assignment for "The Raven":
  • Include a title and the author
  • A visual interpretation of the poem
  • Pick one quote from the poem and explain its significance
  • Write 2-3 sentences explaining the internal conflict in the poem
  • Write 2-3 sentences explaining how Poe establishes mood and atmosphere

Tuesday, 7 February 2017


Hello Grade 8's! Here's an update on what we've been doing:

On Friday, students took notes and we discussed Rome's legacy and the fall of the Roman Empire. We then started watching "Rome: Engineering an Empire"; there was a viewing sheet to go along with this.

On Monday and today's class, we looked at Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and analyzed the similarities and differences. We then watched "The Worst Jobs of the Romans", and students took some notes on the Byzantines, the Franks, the Anglo-Saxons and the Celts.

English 10: Blocks 1-2 and 5-6

Hello English 10's! I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog in a while; here's what we've been up to:

At the end of last week, we watched a CNN interview with Donald Trump regarding the Muslim ban, and talked about racial profiling, stereotypes and political racism. We also watched a monologue by comedian Anziz Ansari's, who addresses stereotypes and the dangers of white supremacy. Additionally, tudents had a quiz on story and poetry terms.

After this we read "Terrible Things: An Allegory to the Holocaust"; we discussed the symbolism behind the story and the theme regarding the dangers of oppression. Students completed questions for this.

On Monday, a did a lesson emphasizing the description of setting, and looked at mood and atmosphere. We then analyzed the songs "Fear of the Dark" and "Thriller"; we looked at the use of imagery and poetic devices. Today, as a follow up to this lesson, students wrote a descriptive paragraph that establishes an eerie atmosphere.

  • I'm still waiting for the intro writing assignment from some students!!!

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6 and 1/2

Over the past couple of days, we've been reviewing notes on literary terms and poetic devices. Today, we read Roald Dahl's "The Landlady". We then completed questions as a class and students worked on a foreshadowing activity. Additionally, we watched the short film adaptation.

At the end of class, we played a Jeopardy game to review terms. There will be a matching quiz on Friday for literary terms and poetic devices!

  • Rough copies for your letters were due! 
  • "The Landlady" foreshadowing worksheet: due Friday (Blocks 1/2 handed them in in class)
  • Story Term and Poetic Devices Quiz: Friday, Feb. 3, 2017


I'm very impressed with your timelines so far!

We started off class today by discussing the historical significance of the Ukrainian Internment and the Japanese Internment in Canada. We focused on answering the following questions: How notable were the events? How widespread were they? How symbolic were they?

I then gave more classtime to work on the timelines; they will be due on Friday.

In the second period, we went to the IT Lab for a mapping activity; students used lizardpoint.com to label countries of Western Europe, and their capitals. They colored the maps afterward.  Students turned in the maps at the end o class.

  • Timelines due: Friday, Feb. 2, 2017

Monday, 30 January 2017


Welcome to Social Studies 8! I'm very excited to be teaching this course!

We started off the class by going over the Course Outline and classroom expectations. Please bring home the Course Outline for your parents to sign. Then students completed a questionnaire for me to get to know them, and we played a game of "2 truths, 1 lie". After that, I introduced the concept of 'historical significance'. I introduced myself in the form of a timeline, and explained all the events that shaped who I am today.

Students then started working on a plan for their own personal timeline assignment, which we'll continue next class.

  • Have your course outlines signed!
  • Talk to your parents about events for the timeline assignment

English 10: Blocks 1-2 and 5-6

Welcome to English 10!!!

It's nice to see familiar faces again!

Today we went through our Course Outline, which you can bring home for your parents to look over. As an introduction, we discussed the importance of studying literature and the meaning of 'themes'. I related themes to the modern idea of hashtags (we watched a Jimmy Fallon clip as an example). As an activity, students circulated around the classroom to write examples on chart paper of some common themes we look at in English 10: oppression, conformity, power conflict, and justice.

Also, we started a writing assignment; I'll allot more time for this tomorrow.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Planning 10

This week, we've been discussing Choice & Accountability and Decision Making. Mr. Colvin also stopped in today to talk about career programs at RSS.

We've also looked at addictions and drug use, which, we'll continue discussing tomorrow.

English 9: Blocks 5/6

This week, we've almost finished reading  The Crazy Man, and students hvae been working on thier journal response booklets for the novel.

  • Final Exam: Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2017

English 9: Blocks 1/2

This week, students are working on their Independent Novel Study Projects, and finishing up the found poem assignment for The Crazy Man.

  • Novel Study Projects: due Monday, Jan. 23, 2017
  • Final Exam: Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017

English 8

Great work this week on your projects!!!

This week, students have been working on a Mythology poster project. We have one more class tomorrow, and then it will be due next week.

Students were also given a review booklet, in case they want to start studying for the exam.

  • Mythology Poster Project: due Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2017
  • Final Exam: Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

English 9: Blocks 5/6

This week, we've been continuing work on the Independent Novel Studies. You should be finished your novels by the end of next week.

We read the section "Meeka" in The Crazy Man today and students wrote a quiz on the first three sections of the novel. Students also started a 'found poem' assignment today.

  • "Dad" worksheet should be handed in!

English 8

This week, students did some review for The Giver and wrote a test on the novel.

We also started looking at poetry terms and mythology traits (there were notes for this). For poetry, we looked the poem, "My Guilt"; students also wrote acrostic, limerick, and haiku poems. For mythology, we read "The Flood".

  • Giver Projects: due Friday, Jan.13, 2107

English 9: Blocks 5/6

This week, we've finished reading My Name is Seepeetza and worked on some other activities. All Reflective questions should be turned in. We analyzed the song "In the Walls of His Mind and" compared it to the events in the novel. Students also completed a journal response pertaining to methods of punishment in the book, and they started working on a 'One-Pager' activity.

  • My Name is Seepeetza questions should be turned in!!!!
  • Seepeetza Test: Thursday, January 12, 2017

Friday, 6 January 2017

Planning 10

Today we continued working through the 2nd Healthy Relationships booklet. We focused on effective ways of communicating. Students paired up, they were given different scenarios and had to act out and demonstrate unhealthy ways of communicating, and effective ways of communicating, using "I Statements"; We also touched on conflict resolution.

English 9: Blocks 1/2

Over the past few days, I've given students a lot of time to work on their independent novel studies. They were given a portfolio assignment to complete as they read their novel.

Yesterday, we read the section "Emaline" in The Crazy Man, discussed stereotypes of 'crazy', and worked on a poetic devices chart.

Today, we read the section "Angus" and students filled out an 'Active Listening' worksheet for the chapter.

  • "Angus" Active Listening sheet- due Monday, Jan. 9, 2017  if it wasn't completed in class

English 8

Today I handed back all the questions for The Giver to use as study notes. We then spent the rest of the period in the library working on projects. I'll give the class another 20 minutes on Monday to tie up loose ends.

  • Conflict foldables: due Monday, Jan. 9, 2017
  • Giver Test: Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2017

English 9: Blocks 5/6

Today we finished the last few minutes of The Hunt for the Wilderpeople and students were given time to finished the chart. The chart had to be submitted in class.

After that, we read up to page 103 in My Name is Seepeetza and worked on reflective questions.

  • Seepeetza reflective questions (p.85-105): due Monday!!!

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

English 9: Blocks 5/6

Welcome back!!!

On Tuesday's class, we reviewed Poetry Terms; don't loose the notes - they are good for final exam review. Students also completed questions for the novel My Name is Seepeetza.

Today, students completed a grammar quiz and we read up to p.84 in Seepeetza. We also watched Hunt for the Wilderpeople; there is a viewing activity associated with the movie, which we'll continue next class.

  • Seepeetza questions!!!
  • Marks are updated- make sure to catch up on missing assignments

Planning 10

Three more weeks to go!!!

This week, we have been continuing our unit on Healthy Relationships. During Tuesday and Wednesday's class we worked through a package of notes and activities. We discussed Maslow's hierarchy of needs, self-esteem, types of relationships, families, and parenting styles.  We also finished the movie Juno, which we started before the break.

In addition, we looked at relationship dynamics in media, including Family Guy, Friends, and 1950's propaganda.

Later in the class, students worked in groups and discussed responsibilities and consequences of technology in relation to our friends, partners, school, and workplace.

  • Juno worksheet: due
  • Healthy Relationship Booklet #1: due

English 9: Blocks 1/2

Welcome back!

On Tuesday, students were given time to read their independent novel studies. We also got copies of The Crazy Man from the library, and reviewed poetry terms. Don't loose these notes! They are good review for the final exam.

  • Open-book grammar quiz: Thursday, Jan. 5, 2017

English 8

Welcome back English 8!

On Tuesday, students started a creative assignment for The Giver unit. We will continue working on this this week.

  • Open-book grammar quiz: Thursday, January 5, 2017