Tuesday, 30 May 2017

SS 8

Monday, we went over a review crossword. We then read on article on the "Top 10 Most Controversial Scientists" and we discussed what the term 'controversy' means. Students completed a chart; for each scientist, they wrote down the advancements and the controversy. We then read some pages in the textbook on the Scientific Revolution in Europe during the Renaissance, and discussed some of the controversies with the discoveries and the Catholic Church. We also watched some quick clips on Galileo and Copernicus. Students had questions to complete for homework.

Today, students wrote a story in which they had to use 10 vocabulary words from the Renaissance. After that, they worked on a unit review.

  •  Textbook Q's (p.233 #1, 3, 4, and 6) : due today:
  • Renaissance story: due tomorrow, May 31, 2017
  •  Renaissance Test: Wednesday June 7, 2017