Thursday, 23 February 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Here's some things we've been up to in English 10  in the past two weeks.

Last week, we read the poem "Non-conformist" and discussed the concept of conforming. As an example, we looked at the Grunge revolution in the 1990's and read a Rolling Stone article on Kurt Cobain. Students completed questions in class. We also watched and completed a characterization analysis for the movie Little Miss Sunshine; students also had to explain how each character in the movie is a non-conformist.

This week, we read the story "Borders" by Thomas King and discussed some of the history with First People political struggles in North America. Students had questions and a characterization chart to complete for the story.

Furthermore, we did some song analysis based off students requests of songs. We read and discussed "My Body is my own Business" in Sightlines 10 and looked at current media controversy over 'islamophobia'. Students also read the comic strip "My Body" independently and completed questions.

On Wednesday's class, we looked at stereotypes, expectations, judgement and test anxiety. We read the monologue "I'm Not my Brother; I'm Me", which addresses siblings and expectations. We then watched an episode of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air", as an example demonstrating similar themes. We then read the satirical excerpt "How Not to get Called on", and as a class, we read the play "This is a Test". There were questions to be completed for all of these.

  • Questions for "Borders" - overdue
  • Questions for "My Body is My own Business" - overdue
  • Questions for 'school stereotypes and anxiety' - to have been turned in during class
  • Visual representation of "This is a Test" - due next class