Also, thank you to Brynn, Shey and Hailey for handing in their work a day early! (I also have a copy without a name on it)
Things we did today:
- Review of Friday's class
- Went to the Library to get our Crossroads textbooks
- Corrected the Social Studies 8 Review Quiz as a class
- Read p.3 together in Crossroads
- Notes on p.3 (a good example of notes) - I assigned you to do the same kind of notes independently for p. 4-5 from the textbook
- Presented the rubric for the Note-taking Assignment
- Time given to work on the Note-taking Assignment and your Europe maps
- Game: 2 truths, 1 lie
- The Note-taking Assignment for pages 4-5 in Crossroads is due tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2013)
- You will receive 5% off for each day that the assignment is handed in late
- Europe mapping assignments are due Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
- You still have until Friday to hand in your signed Course Outlines (you will just receive marks off)