I just wanted to especially thank Erin, Jacob, Megan and Lainey for their participation in class today!
Also, way to go to the students who handed in their Letter of Introduction in a day early! :
Brynn, Lainey, Jordan, Hailey, Erin and Kasia
Things we did today:
- Grammar: Notes and an exercise on the parts of speech (verbs, nouns, adverbs, etc)
- I handed back the marked worksheet on "The Storm" and "Flat Head Lake" (oral ghost stories)
- We went over the answers to the worksheet
- Worked on the Letter of Introduction
- Discussed what makes a good suspense story
- Started the story "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl and students wrote their predictions at different parts of the story
- The Letter of Introduction is due tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2013)
- Hand in the plan, your rough copy and a good copy (3 pieces)
- The good copy must be written by hand and not on the computer
- You will receive 5% off for each day that the assignment is handed in late
- You still have until Friday to hand in your signed Course Outlines (you will just receive marks off)
- Please bring your textbooks for tomorrow's class