Tuesday, 18 February 2025

French 9 - mardi le 18 février

 J'espère que vous vous êtes amusés bien au Carnaval de Revelstoke!

For the past weeks, we have been continuing to review some of the basics: dates, time, family members, school supplies, etc. Students wrote their first quiz last week on intro words. We also started to review rules for possessive pronouns, and students created a "scary" slideshow making simple sentences. Don't forget about your first verb quiz Thursday!

À venir:

-Quiz: Faire, Aller, Être, Avoir => jeudi le 20 février

-"Un livre effrayant" PowerPoint => vendredi le 21 février 

Monday, 16 December 2024

French 11 - lundi le 16 décembre

 Joyeuse saison de fêtes!!!

French 11's have been continuing our unit on francophone cuisine and restaurant culture. We wrapped up our unit on Passé Composé last week and started our unit on the use of Imparfait. If you have not submitted your project on francophone cuisine, don't forget to do so.

À venir:

-Les projets de cuisine francophone: à remettre jeudi le 19 décembre

-L'Excursion aux cafés: jeudi le 19 décembre

French 9 - lundi le 16 décembre

 C'est le dernier lundi avant les vacances!!!!

Last week, students worked on Present Tense Verbs ending with OIR. Today, we started an introduction of Passé Composé. They also started a research project on French clothing brands. We are wrapping up or clothing unit this week. Don't forget to submit your projects !

À venir: 

-Projets sur les marques francophones: À remettre mardi le 17 décembre

-Test de vêtement: mercredi le 18 décembre

*For the test, the matching section will only contain words from the first page of your vocabulary booklets. There will be a reading comprehension section, in which you will have to match a picture to its corresponding French description. The reading section will contain other words we've looked at in the vocabulary booklet. 

Monday, 28 October 2024

French 11 - le 28 octobre

 Joyeuse semaine de l'Halloween!

We've read up to Chapter 6 of the novel "La disparition mystérieuse". Term End is next week, so remember to check for missing assignments to complete. Don't forget about the verb quiz tomorrow:)

À venir:

Quiz: Les verbes IRE et OIR: mardi le 29 octobre 

Friday, 13 September 2024

French 11 - vendredi le 13 septembre

 Bienvenue les élèves de français! Je suis contente de vous rencontrer encore cette année!

So far, we've been working on a review of basic terms (numbers, calendar, weather, school supplies). Students have already written a quiz on these terms. Additionally , we've started a vocabulary unit on arts and culture. 

For verbs, we've been reviewing 'faire', aller', 'être', 'avoir' and ER verbs. We've also practiced using 'future proche'. If you were absent on Friday, here are some things you missed:

  • livret: : Les pronoms possessifs
  • Les Chansons  ("Summer in Paris"/ "Lunatique")
  • IMPORTANT: Quiz de Verbe - mardi le 17 septembre
- Conjugation for =>faire, aller, être, avoir and REGULAR 'ER' verbs
-Vocabulary Matching for ALL 'ER' verbs 

French 9- vendredi le 13 septembre

 Bienvenue à la classe de Français 9 les élèves!

I have sent home a Course Outline for your parents to sign on the first day of school. If you still have to get them signed, please do so! 

We have been working on a lot of review of the basics (numbers, calendar, weather, salutations) and also playing a lot of games. Thanks so much for your engagement! We've also been working on the verbs 'avoir', 'être' , and 'faire'.

Here are some homework booklets students have completed so far. Make sure to finish them for homework if you have not already:

-"Intro book"

-"À l'école"

-"La Famille"

Bonne fin de semaine!

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

French 9 and 10

Bienvenue à la classe!

I was very pleased to meet students today. We went through a quick overview of the course and expectations today, and students were given their course outlines. Full-day classes begin tomorrow!