Friday 13 September 2024

French 11 - vendredi le 13 septembre

 Bienvenue les élèves de français! Je suis contente de vous rencontrer encore cette année!

So far, we've been working on a review of basic terms (numbers, calendar, weather, school supplies). Students have already written a quiz on these terms. Additionally , we've started a vocabulary unit on arts and culture. 

For verbs, we've been reviewing 'faire', aller', 'être', 'avoir' and ER verbs. We've also practiced using 'future proche'. If you were absent on Friday, here are some things you missed:

  • livret: : Les pronoms possessifs
  • Les Chansons  ("Summer in Paris"/ "Lunatique")
  • IMPORTANT: Quiz de Verbe - mardi le 17 septembre
- Conjugation for =>faire, aller, être, avoir and REGULAR 'ER' verbs
-Vocabulary Matching for ALL 'ER' verbs 

French 9- vendredi le 13 septembre

 Bienvenue à la classe de Français 9 les élèves!

I have sent home a Course Outline for your parents to sign on the first day of school. If you still have to get them signed, please do so! 

We have been working on a lot of review of the basics (numbers, calendar, weather, salutations) and also playing a lot of games. Thanks so much for your engagement! We've also been working on the verbs 'avoir', 'être' , and 'faire'.

Here are some homework booklets students have completed so far. Make sure to finish them for homework if you have not already:

-"Intro book"

-"À l'école"

-"La Famille"

Bonne fin de semaine!

Tuesday 3 September 2019

French 9 and 10

Bienvenue à la classe!

I was very pleased to meet students today. We went through a quick overview of the course and expectations today, and students were given their course outlines. Full-day classes begin tomorrow!

Thursday 11 April 2019

French 10

N'oubliez pas - il y a un test demain! (see previous post for test outline)

This week, we've been doing review on our vocabulary words for unit 1, and continuing our study on passé composé verbs. We also did a bit of reading comprehesnion practice and today watched a video on Switzerland, since it is a French speaking country.

À noter:
  • Test Unité 1: demain!!!!!
  • Quiz de verbes - Passé Composé (Avec avoir) : mardi le 16 avril, 2019
  • Reading Comprehension booklet - "La Neige" and "Les flocons de neige" : demain
  • Passé composé worksheet: demain
  • Switzerland viewing sheet was due today in class

French 11

La fin du trimestre s'approche! Assurez que vous avez redu tous vos devoirs!!!!

This week, we've been continuing going over passé compsé, and have looked at all the past participles of verbs. There is a quiz next week! We've also been doing lots reading comprehension of 'Bon Apetit' scripts, along with the corresponding video to elaborate our food/restaurant vocabulary.

There are many reminders for next week:

  • Projet de Mardis Gras et présentations: lundi le 15 avril
  • Quiz - Passé COmposé avec Avoir: mardi le 16 avril
  • Test - mercredi le 17 avril
*Test outline
1) Vocab matching (from Unit 1 list)
2)Adjectifs  - BANGS rules
                   -Agreements with singular/plural/feminine/masculin
                   - Adjectifs possessifs et demonstratifs
3)Reading COmprehension
4) Verbes au présent (varié)

Thursday 4 April 2019

French 10

Bienvenue de votre pose de printemps et de vos belles masques!

This week, we've been reviewing passé composé and working with vocabulary on Unit 1. Students presented their Projects 'Ma Chambre, Ma Vie' today, as it was due. We started discussing the French tradition Mardis Gras today in class and students worked on traditional masks.

Remember there is a Unit Test on Friday, April 12, 2019.
 Here is the Outline for the test: 
1)    Vocabulaire (matching vocabulary and definitions from vocab list)
2)    Association de couleurs (matching colors with their effects)
3) Adjectifs – BANGS Rules
                        -Agreements with singular/plural/feminine/masculin
                        -Adjectives possessifs (ma/ta/sa/leur)
                        -Adjectives demonstratifs (ce/ces/cette)

4) Comprehension de lecture et questions (using unit vocabulary)

5) verbes au present (variés)

 Á Noter
  • Projet - Ma CHambre, Ma Vie - due today!!!!!!
  • Quiz - vouloir, pouvoir, devoir, savoir, voir, recevoir: vendredi, le 5 avril
  • Test - Ma Chambre Ma Vie - vendredi le 12 avril, 2019

French 11

Bienvenue de votre pose de printemps et merci de vos vidéos de nouvelles fantastiques!!!!

This week, we're reviewing passé composé and using the prepositions 'à/de'. Students were given a couple more classes to work on their Mardis Gras projects and we will present the projects Monday, April 15, 2019.  We've also been doing a bit more work with our restaurant unit vocabulary and reading comprehension. We did an activity with a French Cajun menu and today we looked at a video and script of a visit to a Parisian bakery.

Á Noter:
  • "Maison Cajun' w/s due
  • Quiz (présent - vouloir,devoir,pouvoir,recevoir,voir,savoir): vendredi le 5 avril, 2019  
  • Projets de Mardis Gras: Lundi le 15 avril, 2019