Monday, 16 December 2024

French 9 - lundi le 16 décembre

 C'est le dernier lundi avant les vacances!!!!

Last week, students worked on Present Tense Verbs ending with OIR. Today, we started an introduction of Passé Composé. They also started a research project on French clothing brands. We are wrapping up or clothing unit this week. Don't forget to submit your projects !

À venir: 

-Projets sur les marques francophones: À remettre mardi le 17 décembre

-Test de vêtement: mercredi le 18 décembre

*For the test, the matching section will only contain words from the first page of your vocabulary booklets. There will be a reading comprehension section, in which you will have to match a picture to its corresponding French description. The reading section will contain other words we've looked at in the vocabulary booklet.