Friday, 13 September 2024

French 11 - vendredi le 13 septembre

 Bienvenue les élèves de français! Je suis contente de vous rencontrer encore cette année!

So far, we've been working on a review of basic terms (numbers, calendar, weather, school supplies). Students have already written a quiz on these terms. Additionally , we've started a vocabulary unit on arts and culture. 

For verbs, we've been reviewing 'faire', aller', 'être', 'avoir' and ER verbs. We've also practiced using 'future proche'. If you were absent on Friday, here are some things you missed:

  • livret: : Les pronoms possessifs
  • Les Chansons  ("Summer in Paris"/ "Lunatique")
  • IMPORTANT: Quiz de Verbe - mardi le 17 septembre
- Conjugation for =>faire, aller, être, avoir and REGULAR 'ER' verbs
-Vocabulary Matching for ALL 'ER' verbs