Thursday, 16 March 2017

SS 8

Spring Break is almost here!

On Tuesday's class, we discussed 'worldview' in the Middle Ages and the Crusades. I then gave students some time to do a write-up about their manors.

Today, students presented their manors. They all look so fantastic! We then watched "Kingdom of Heaven"; we'll finish the movie and the viewing sheet tomorrow.

  • Have your Course Selections signed!

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Here's a re-cap of our week:

Tuesday: We worked on grammar and descriptive paragraphs, and played a review game based off questions put together by students.

Thursday: We read "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury and watched a short film adaptation of the story. Students then had to complete one journal entry based off one of the characters in the story.

Students also wrote their short story final test.

  • Descriptive paragraphs to hand in!
  • "All Summer in a Day" Assignment to complete

English 10: Blocks 1/2

Here's a re-cap of what we did this week:

Tuesday: we played a review game with the questions put together by students; we then read "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury. Students then had to complete journal entries based off two characters in the story, representing the differing points of view of the characters.

Wednesday: Ms. Cancilla visited our class and did a lesson on First People storytelling and traditional oral narratives. We started off with a talking circle, and then students split into groups of three to share their own stories; each group had to take turns with their roles as the observer, the storyteller, and the recorder.

We also had a final test on our short story unit.

  • "All Summer in a Day" assignments: overdue

Monday, 13 March 2017

SS 8

Today, we read about the feudal court system (Manor courts/Royal courts/Church courts) and completed a chart as a class. Students were then assigned some independent reading and questions from the textbook.

  • Textbook Questions - p.56 #1-4 and p.59 #1-5 a/c: due tomorrow
  • Manor projects: Due Thursday, March 16, 2017 (no more class time given for this)

English 10: Blocks 1/2 and 5/6

English Blocks  1/2 - Test pushed back to Wednesday.
English Blocks 5/6  - Test pushed back to Thursday.

Today, we finished watching "My Left Foot". Students then worked on descriptive writing.

  • Short Story Test 
Blocks 1/2: Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Blocs 5/6: Thursday, March 14, 2017
  • Short Story Projects: OVERDUE

Thursday, 9 March 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2 and 5/6

We are at the end of our unit on short stories and short texts, so we will be having a test next Tuesday. I had students divided in groups and started creating review questions, which we'll use to study on Monday. Students also read "My Left Foot" independently and completed an analysis chart.

  • Short Story Test: Tuesday, March 14, 2017

English 10
Sightlines 10 Test Review

·      Plot
·      Parts of plot  (introduction, initial incident, rising action, climax, denouement/
·      Setting
·      Flashback
·      Types of conflict
·      Foreshadowing

·      Mood
·      Atmosphere
·      Tone
·      Protagonist
·      Antagonist
·      Characterization
·      Theme
·      Suspense
·      Types of characters (round/flat/stock/
·      Narrative hook
·      Narrative twist
·      Situational irony
·      Verbal Irony
·      Dramatic Irony
·      P.O.V. (first person, second person, third person objective, third person limited, third person omniscient)

“Terrible Things” by Eve Bunting
“Lather and Nothing Else” by Hernando Tellez
 “My Body is My Own Business” by Sultana Yusufali
“My Body” Comic Strip
“I’m Not My Brother; I’m Me” by Peg Kehret
“The Face In The Pool” by Mary Pope Osborne
“My Left Foot” by Christy Brown
“Borders” by Thomas King
 “Warren Pryor” By Alden Nowlan
“Nonconformist” by Angela Shelf Medearis
 “This is a Test” by Stephen Gregg
“How to Act If You Do Not Want to Be Called On” by Delia Ephron
“The Landlady” by Roald Dahl
“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut
“The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe

SS 8

Thanks for the help moving chairs!!!

Today, I started a lesson on the role of the Catholic Church in feudalism; we'll continue the lesson tomorrow. Students had another class to work on their manors.

  • Parent-teacher night tonight!

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6 and 1/2

Today we read the myth "The Face in the Pool". We discussed the purpose of a myth and the term 'narcissism'. We then watched a video exploring the rise of narcissism in accordance with social media. Students wrote a reflective paragraph on the topic, and they were given time to work on their projects once that was finished.

  • Short Story projects: due Friday, March 10, 2017

SS 8

Today, students had course selections for the majority of the block, so they only had a bit of time to work on their manors. I will only give one more class to work on them, and then they will be due next week.

  • Remember to have your progress reports signed and brought back!

Monday, 6 March 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6 and 1/2

We've been working on short story projects the last two classes; tomorrow, I'll give another 20 minutes in class, and then they will be due Friday.

Interim reports were sent home last week. Make sure to hand in any missing assignments!

  • Short Story Projects: due Friday, March 10, 2017

SS 8

We've been working on the 3D manors Friday and today - they are looking soooooo great! I'll give another class for the projects. Remember to have your progress reports signed and brought back!

  • Signed progress reports

Thursday, 2 March 2017

English 10: Blocks 1/2

We started off the day with a grammar quiz, and then I gave students more time to work on their character paragraphs. This is due tomorrow.

We also discussed a Ted Talks by model Cameron Russel regarding body image, and some current events surrounding 'islamophobia'. Students then read "My Body is My Own Business" and "My Body" in Sightlines 10. They completed corresponding questions in class.

In the second half, students started a short story project.


  • Character paragraphs : due Friday!!!!

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

English 10: Blocks 5/6

Great concentration today!

We started off the day with a grammar quiz, and then I gave students more time to work on their character paragraphs. This is due Friday. After, we did some song analysis and read a New Yorker article about "A Tribe Called Quest". In the second half, students started a short story project.

  • Character paragraphs : due Friday!!!!

SS 8

Fun class today!

We started off the day working on a visual design of the interior of a lord's house. This was the only class for this assignment, so it will be due for homework. We then finished watching "Worst Jobs of the Middle Ages". After the break, we started working on a 3D diorama of a feudal manor. We'll continue this next class, so bring materials if you can remember!

  • Lord and Lady Manor Q's - due today!
  • Lord's house Visual: due Friday, March 3, 2017