Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Planning 10

This week, we continued discussing travel budgets; students were given lab time to finish their post-secondary budgets on and research information for their individual travel budgets. We also looked at more economical ways of travelling (WOOF, working in hostels, teaching abroad, crew ships).

Additionally, we started to talk about debt and credit. I showed a PowerPoint and students completed a worksheet as we went through it. We talked about types of credit, pros/cons of credit, credit scores, and managing fiances. We also watched an episode of "Till Debt do Us Part" as an example of how credit can be problematic.

Today we also went on a field trip to Southside Market; students were given a generic grocery list and had to record information on different products. We then compared prices of things and discussed strategies for shopping more economically.

Travel Budgets due!!!