Wednesday, 30 September 2015

English 9

I'm sorry I wasn't here today; I hope you enjoyed the class!

Students read the story "The Bridge Builder" and completed a worksheet for the story. As an end to our Short Story Unit, students are required to complete a full plot analysis for the movie "Armageddon"; students started the movie today and will write a plot analysis quiz Friday.

  • Satire Project: Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

English 10

Today we spent the first half hour working on the propaganda projects in the library and started watching the "Animal Farm" movie. Students then participated int eh Terry Fox run.

  • Propaganda project: due Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

English 10

Today we worked on grammar and went over the Animal Farm Commandments Chart; then we spent the rest of the period in the lab working on Propaganda projects.

  • Propaganda projects: Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

English 9

After silent reading, and completing some exercises on capitalization, we read and discussed the excerpts "What Happened During the Ice Storm" and "Think Like a Weightlifter, Think Like a Woman". If you didn't finish the questions during class, they are for homework.

  • "What Happened During the Ice Storm" and "Think Like a Weightlifter, Think Like a Woman" Questions: due Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015
  • Satire Project: due Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

English 8

Today we did some silent reading, completed a worksheet on conjunctions, and spent the rest of the period in the library working on the Short Story Collages.

  • Short Story Collages: due Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

Friday, 25 September 2015

English 9

Have a great long weekend!

Students continued to work on their Short Story Satire project in the library today. This was our class class time to work on it.

  • Satire Project: Friday, Oct. 2, 2015

English 8

Have a great long weekend!

We started today with silent reading and a worksheet on interjections. I then did a lesson on foreshadowing; we watched a couple examples from movie clips, students took notes, and we evaluated a short fictional paragraph to pick out signs of foreshadowing. We then read "The Monkey's Paw" as a class. Thanks to my readers! Students then worked on corresponding questions and we watched a Simpsons adaptation of "The Monkey's Paw".

  • "Monkey's Paw" questions: Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015

English 10

Have a great long weekend!!!

Today we had an open-book grammar quiz. I then showed a couple of examples of propaganda: some Mao Zedong propaganda items from China, a political campaign ad, and an old Bugs Bunny cartoon. We discussed the subliminal messages communicated to audience members. After that, we finished the final Chapter of Animal Farm and worked on questions.

  • Animal Farm Chapter 9-10 questions and Commandments Chart: due Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015

Thursday, 24 September 2015

English 8

We started off the day with silent reading, notes on interjections and a song on coordinating conjunctions. After that, we finished going through the Point of View worksheet. We then discussed some pre-reading questions for the story "The Hockey Sweater", and discussed the significance that sport teams have on our identity. I also gave students a little background on French/English language politics. We then read the story, went through the plot analysis and watched the corresponding N.F.B. film.

During the second half of class, we worked in the library on a final project collage for the Short Story Unit.

  • "The Hockey Sweater" worksheet: due Friday, September 25, 2015 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

English 10

We're almost done Animal Farm!!!

We started off the day with silent reading and chapter questions. Students then took notes on Russia's involvement in WW2, as it relates to event in Animal Farm. We also watched a "Crash Course" on the subject. We finished off the first block by reading Chapter 9.

During the second half of the class, students worked in the lab on an Animal Farm propaganda project. I will schedule more time for this project.

  • Open-book grammar quiz was pushed back: it's now on Friday, Sept. 25, 2015
  • Chapter 8 questions: Friday, Sept. 25, 2015

English 9

We started off the day in the library working on a satire writing assignment that parallels some of the stories we read in Sightlines 9. I'm excited to see how they turn out!

After the break, students had silent reading and then wrote an open-book grammar quiz on Parts of Speech. After that, we read the play "The Open Window", worked on corresponding questions and watched the short film adaptation of the play.

  • Finish questions for "The Open Window"

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

English 8

We started the day with silent reading and notes on conjunctions. We then worked on questions for the story "Catch", which we read yesterday. After that, we practiced analyzing images. Students had to analyze one image from Sightlines, and another image of their choice from National Geographic. To finish class, we went over different types of point of view.

  • Letter to Ms. Jones: DUE TODAY!
  • "Catch" questions:  Thursday September 24, 2015
  • Image analysis worksheet: Thursday, September 24, 2015

English 9

We started off the day with silent reading and Parts of Speech practice (don't forget about the quiz tomorrow!). I then showed personal pictures of Third World countries to parallel the setting of the story "The Blue Bead", and to reinforce its theme of poverty. After that, we went over questions for the story. We then looked at two short excerpts - "Sacred Rac" and "Sentry" and discussed their social commentaries. Students worked on a corresponding worksheet.

  • Open-book grammar quiz: Wednesday, September 23, 2015
  • Questions for "Sacred Rac" and "Sentry": Wednesday, September 23, 2015

English 10

Today we worked on verbs using the active and passive voice. We also had a quiz on Animal Farm (Chapters 1-5). We proceeded to work on questions for Chapters 6 and 7 and started reading
Chapter 8.

  • Chapter 6/7 questions: due Wednesday, September 23, 2015
  • Open-book grammar quiz: Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Monday, 21 September 2015

English 9

We started off class today with silent reading and Parts of Speech practice. We then went over the plot analysis for the story "Interlopers". After that, we read the story "The Blue Bead" and worked on corresponding questions.

  • "Blue Bead" questions: Tuesday, September 22, 2015

English 8

We started off class today with silent reading and a worksheet on Parts of Speech. After that, we finished discussing "The Tell-Tale Heart"; students took notes on 'unreliable narrators' and completed corresponding questions, which we went over together. After that, we read the story "Catch".

  • Letter to Ms. Jones (plan, rough copy and good copy): due Tuesday, September 22, 2015
  • "Tell-Tale Heart" questions: due Tuesday, September 22, 2015

English 10

Today, we started off with a worksheet on Subjects and Predicates. After that, I went through a Powerpoint explaining the history of the feud between Trotsky and Stalin, as it parallels Snowball and Napoleon in Animal Farm. We also watched a couple biography videos reinforcing our understanding of their role in the Russian Revolution. We ended class by reading Chapter 6 and starting Chapter 7.

  • Animal Farm Quiz (Chapters 1-5): Tuesday, September 22, 2015
  • Finish Chapter 7 in Animal Farm: Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Friday, 18 September 2015

English 10

Today we worked on verb tenses and finished going through a PowerPoint on story terms. After that, we read Chapters 4 and 5 in Animal Farm and worked on corresponding questions.

  • Animal Farm questions (Chapter 4/5): due Monday, Sept. 21, 2015

English 9

Today we started off with silent reading and Parts of Speech practice. Students then filled out a plot analysis worksheet based on the Pixar short films we watched during yesterday's class. We went over the answers together. After that, we read, discussed, and worked on questions for the story "The Interlopers".

  • Questions for "The Interlopers": due Monday, Sept 21, 2015

English 8

We started off today with silent reading and students worked on their 'Thank You Ma'am' letters. After that, we had a mini-lesson on Edgar Allen Poe; I showed a Prezi outlining his life and works, and we watched a Simpsons parody of his poem "The Raven". We finished off class by reading his story "Tell-Tale Heart".

  • Thank You Ma'am Letters (plan, rough copy and good copy): due Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2015

Thursday, 17 September 2015

English 9

Great debate today!

We started off class with Parts of Speech practice and finished reading the story "Once Upon a Time". I then went over details of the Apartheid and Nelson Mandela, as it relates to the story. Students continued to work on questions and we went over them as a class. We also went to the library to pick Independent Novel Study books.

After the break, we read an article on the Oscar Pistorius trial. We discussed disadvantages of 'protecting' ourselves by keeping firearms in the house and how it could potentially harm us (this theme strongly relates to the story "Once Upon a Time"). To further this argument, we had an organized class-wide debate on the subject.

To finish off class, we watched four short animated films; we didn't get around to do their story analysis, so we will finish it next class.

  • "Once Upon a Time" questions: due tomorrow, Sept. 18, 2015

English 10

We started off the day with a worksheet on adjectives and adverbs. We then went over the events that started the Russian Revolution and discussed some of its parallels with Animal Farm. After that, we read Chapter 2 and 3 and worked on questions.

After the break, we discussed animal stereotypes; we read an article on Pig intelligence, and then students brainstormed various stereotypes for animals represented in media. Orwell chose certain animals to represent particular people, and we will learn more about this as we continue the story. We finished off class with more notes on 'story terms' and watched the "Ironic" video.

  • Animal Farm Chapter 2-3 questions due: tomorrow, Sept. 18, 2015

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

English 8

Great job getting through your first ever double block day!

We started off the day with a lesson on adverbs. Students then completed questions for the story "Thank You Ma'am" and started to write a 'Thank you' letter based on the events of the story. We will work more on this next class. We also went to the library to pick our novels for the 'Independent Novel Study' projects.

After the break, students did a bit of silent reading. After that, we watched 4 Pixar short films; students then had to get together in groups and write down the setting, theme and types of conflict for each film. We finished off class with some notes on characters and a round of Mad Libs.


  • 'Thank You Ma'am' questions: due Friday, Sept. 18, 2015

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

English 10

Thanks for the great participation on reviewing story terms!

We started off the day with a worksheet on plural nouns. After that, we reviewed the chart we started yesterday on 'types of government' and read Chapter 1 of Animal Farm. Students then worked on questions and we finished of class with a game reviewing story terms.

  • Animal Farm Chapter 1 questions: due Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015

English 8

Thank you so much to my volunteer readers today!!!

We started off the day with notes on adjectives, then worked on questions and a character sketch for the story "The Street That Got Mislaid". After that, we listened to the story "Thank You Ma'am" by Langston Hughes and read an article about a teenager in juvenile detention. Students were then split into groups and had to fill out a chart on motivations and stereotypes of criminals.

  • "The Street That Got Mislaid" worksheet: due tomorrow!

English 9

We started off the day with more Parts of Speech practice and a FIRE DRILL (great job by the way)! We also finished discussing the story "Gore"; Students completed some questions and a character sketch for the story. We then started "Once Upon a Time" in Sightlines 9.

  • "Gore" questions and character sketch worksheet: due Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015

Monday, 14 September 2015

English 10

Don't forget to finish the chart on 'Types of Government'!

Since Friday, we've completed some exercises on nouns. We also finished reading and discussing "Harrison Bergeron"; along with this, students completed a set of questions and wrote a paragraph pertaining to the story. We also watched the short film adaptation "2081". Today, we went over pre-reading notes for Animal Farm and discusses pertinent historical information about the novel. Students were also given a chart to fill out information on dictatorship, democracy, communism, and fascism. They spent most of the period in the library researching information for this. 

  • Letters: OVERDUE
  • "Harrison Bergeron" questions: due today
  • 'Types of Government' charts: due tomorrow, Sept.15, 2015

English 9

Welcome back to Week 2!

Since last week, students have completed Parts of Speech exercises, and have studied two short stories. Last week, we discussed "Lamb to the Slaughter" and completed a 'Plot Analysis' worksheet. We also read an article about the rules for housewives in the 1950's to better understand Mary Malony's character. Today, we finished a short film adaptation of the story and students wrote a paragraph explaining which version of the story they preferred and why (story version vs. film version). We then read the story "Gore" from Sightlines 9.


  • Letters/Personal Credos: OVERDUE
  • "Lamb to the Slaughter" questions: due today!
  • Paragraph on "Lamb to the Slaughter": due tomorrow, Sept. 15, 2015

English 8

Thanks for your patience with note-taking today!

During Friday's class and today's class, students took notes on pronouns and verbs. They also took notes on elements of short stories. We discussed and completed questions for "The Veldt", as well as watched the short video adaptation of the story. We finished class today be reading "The Street That Got Mislaid".


  • Thumbprint Profiles: due today!
  • Questions for "The Veldt": due today!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

English 9

Don't get nightmares from Roald Dahl's gory story!!!

We started off class with some review notes on parts of speech. We then reviewed the parts of plot in stories. I also shared one of my newer ghost stories with the students. We then read Roald Dahl's "Lamb to the Slaughter" in the Sightlines 9 textbook.


  • Signed Course Outlines!
  • Letters (rough copy and good copy): due tomorrow, Sept. 11, 2015

English 8

Thanks to those who finished their Thumbprint Profiles already!

We started off class with notes on 'nouns' and then continued working on the Thumbprint Profiles. After that, we went through the main parts of plot in short stories. I finished off class by telling a couple of ghost stories; we will go over their parts of plot tomorrow.


  • Signed Course Outlines!
  • Thumbprint Profiles: due Monday, Sept. 14, 2015

English 10

Thanks for your patience during our notes on story terms!

Students started off class today by working on their letters (which are due tomorrow). We then went through some basic narrative terms. Don't loose these notes; they will be useful for review at the end of the semester. We then started reading Kurt Vonnegut's short story "Harrison Bergeron" as an introduction to Animal Farm. 


  • Letters (plan, rough copy, and good copy): due tomorrow, Sept 11, 2015

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

English 8

Great work on your Thumbprint profiles!

We started off class today by reviewing the expectations for the classroom. After that, students worked on a Thumbprint Profile assignment and we went to the library to get Sightlines 8 textbooks. We then finished off class with the game "Two truths, One lie".


  • Sign your course outlines!
  • We will continue working on the Thumbprints tomorrow

English 9

Thanks for working hard on your introductory writing assignments today!

We started off class today with a few review notes on Parts of Speech. Students then worked hard on their first assignment; they have to choice to either write a letter or personal credo. We also went to the library to get textbooks, and played a couple rounds of Mad Libs.


  • Sign your course outlines!  
  • Letters/Credos will be due Friday, Sept. 11, 2015

English 10

Thanks for the great hashtag ideas (#greatgroupwork)!

To start off class today, we reviewed parts of speech by completing a Mad Libs worksheet. After that, we discussed themes and ways we can connect stories through themes. Our goal in this course is to build the capacity to link things thematically. I tried to relate central themes to hashtags and used a couple of examples. Students were then put into groups and had to find as many topics/stories/movies as possible to relate to the following themes: injustice, power, friendship, and heroism.

After that, students worked on their first assignment, a letter to me; we also went to the library to get our Sightlines 10 textbooks and copies of Animal Farm.


  • Letters will be due Friday, Sept. 11, 2015 ( I will give more class time tomorrow)

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

English 8

Great job Grade 8's! You survived your first day of High School!

Remember to have your course outlines signed and returned. Also, bring a binder and writing utensils for next class :)

English 9

It was so nice to see you all again; its like you never left!

Remember to have your course outlines signed and returned.

English 10

It was great to meet all of you today! I'm excited to teach this course again!

Make sure to bring a binder and a writing utensil tomorrow :)