Wednesday, 11 February 2015

English 8: Blocks 7/8

I am sorry for the technical difficulties today with Internet streaming. I guess we learned an important lesson from our short story "The Veldt": DON'T RELY ON TECHNOLOGY!!!

We started off today with notes on the parts of plot. These are key terms that we will be using for this unit, so do not lose your notes! I then told two ghost stories aloud and we filled out a plot diagram worksheet, identifying the parts of plots of the stories. After that, I gave students time to continue working o their Thumbprint Profiles.

During the second half of class, students took more notes on the elements of short stories (theme and foreshadowing). I didn't get to do my activity on themes because the Internet wasn't working, so we read Ray Bradbury's "The Veldt" from the Sightlines textbook. Students then completed corresponding questions.


  • Have your course outlines signed and returned!
  • Questions for "The Veldt" : due Friday, Feb. 13, 2015