Friday, 13 February 2015

English 8: Blocks 3/4

We started off today with some notes on nouns (common/proper/singular/plural). We also discussed "The Veldt" and worked on comprehension questions. We then watched the short film of "The Veldt". If you were absent, the link to the video is listed below.

As an introduction to our next short story, I showed a Prezi outlining the life of Edgar Allen Poe. We also watched the Simpson's adaption of the poem "The Raven". Finally, we started Poe's story "Tell-Tale Heart" in Sightlines 8, which we will continue next class.

Link to "The Veldt":

  • Bring back signed course outlines!
  • "The Veldt" questions : due Monday, Feb.16, 2015
  • Thumbprint Profiles: due Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015