Thursday, 26 February 2015

English 11

Tuesday, Feb. 24 - Thursday Feb. 26, 2015

During Tuesday's class, we finished reading "The Yellow Wallpaper". I provided students with some background information on the author, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and the historical context of the story. After that, students split up into groups and wrote out the literary analysis on chart paper; they did this by identifying the main story elements (theme, characters, conflict, etc. )

Today, I displayed the chart papers on the board and we went over the different elements of plot as a class. Great work! After that, we watched the 2014 short film "The Yellow Wallpaper" (30 mins). I then introduced the Short Story Project. Students (groups of one or two) were assigned a selected short story and they must prepare a literary analysis to present to the class. I am still working on getting us some library time, so I don't have a due date for this assignment yet. Students spent the rest of the period working on this project.