Wednesday, 19 November 2014

English 10

I decided to give the class an additional lab period to finish their projects because many people were struggling with the essay portion. Some students handed in both portions of their projects already --
 thank you!

For the second half of the class, we did an introduction to Shakespeare. I showed a PowerPoint as students completed some notes. We looked at Shakespeare's life and work, the conventions of Elizabethan theatre, sonnets, and the structure of Iambic pentameter.

After, we did an exercise in which we analyzed the prologue for Ian Doescher's Shakespearean version of "Star Wars". We verified its structure to see if it followed the Shakespearean form of sonnets and Iambic pentameter. For the rest of class, we watched the first 20 minutes of the movie "Shakespeare in Love".

  • Short Story Final Projects (parts A and B): due Friday, Nov. 21, 2014