Blocks 3/4
- Discussed Chapter 10 of The Hobbit: Bilbo's fears, the Laketown people and the Master, the "prophecy" in Laketown, and the perception of the Wood-elves and the people of Laketown towards Bilbo and the dwarves
- Read Chpt. 11 aloud and discussed the "access" gate to the Lonely Mountain
- Worked on questions for Chapters 11 and 12
- We looked at Led Zeppelin lyrics and their reference to J.R.R. Tolkien ("The Battle of Evermore", "Ramble On", and "Stairway to Heaven")
- Started reading Chapter 12 aloud (we will continue this chapter on Monday)
- Watched the goblin scene from "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"
- Chapter 10 and 11 questions due Monday, May 12, 2014
Blocks 5/6
- We discussed the upcoming mural project with Jerry Whitehead and looked at some of his work. He will be working with us next week creating canvas paintings.
- We discussed Chapter 11: accessing the gate to the Lonely Mountain and Bilbo's perseverance. We questioned if the dwarves are "using" Bilbo. Why is he so loyal?
- Read Chapter 12 aloud and discussed the characteristics of Smaug and Bilbo's interaction with him
- Watched the goblin scene from"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"
- Chapter 11 questions due Monday, May 12, 2014