- Read Chapters 5-6
- Completed questions for Chapters 5 and 6
- Worked on "A Hero's Journey" Assignments
- Started Chapter 7
- Pop-Quiz on Chapters 1-6
- Chapter 6 questions due Tomorrow, May 6, 2014
- Finish Chapter 7 by tomorrow, May 6, 2014
Blocks 5-6
- Read Chapter 7
- Worked on questions for Chapters 6-7
- Pop-Quiz on Chapters 1-6
- Watched more of the 1977 cartoon version of "The Hobbit"
- Started Chapter 8
- I suggest you read at least until p.150 of "The Hobbit" tonight for homework. You will receive 15 minutes of silent reading at the beginning of tomorrow's class, but Chapter 8 must be finished for tomorrow.