Blocks 3/4
- Discussed recent events from The Hobbit: the imagery of Mirkwood, the "enchanted" stream, the Wood-elves, Bilbo rescuing the Hobbits from the spiders and from the elven caves, and the company's escape from their imprisonment in the elven cave
- Finished Chapter 9 and started Chapter 10
- Worked on questions for Chapters 8 and 9
- Watched some scenes from "The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey" (we skipped the irrelevant scenes and discussed some differences between the book and the movie)
- Finish Chapter 10 for tomorrow, May 9, 2014
- Chapter 8 and 9 questions due: tomorrow, May 9, 2014
Blocks 5/6
- Discussed events in Chapter 9 of The Hobbit: The long-standing quarrel between Wood-elves and dwarves, the "prophecy" in Laketown, Thorin's sense of entitlement to the treasure, and Bilbo's role as a "burglar" and not a "thief"
- Read Chapter 10
- Worked on questions for Chapters 9 - 11
- Watched some scenes from "The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey" (we skipped the irrelevant scenes and discussed some differences between the book and the movie)
- Finish Chapter 11 for tomorrow, May 9, 2014
- Chapter 9 and 10 questions due: tomorrow, May 9, 2014
- Chapter 11 questions due: Monday, May 12, 2014