Block 3/4
Things we did today:
- Silent Reading
- Grammar (capitalization)
- Went over the rubric for the Book Recommendation Assignment and the Book Journals
- Worked on the Letter of Introduction
- Reviewed parts of plot in short stories
- Read "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl
- Please have your course outlines signed and returned
- The Letter of Introduction is due Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014
Block 5/6
Things we did today:
- Silent Reading
- Grammar (capitalization)
- Went over the rubric for the Book Recommendation Assignment and the Book Journals
- Worked on the Letter of Introduction
- Went to the Ono Cho Cultural Fair
- Please have your course outlines signed and returned
- The Letter of Introduction is due Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014