Monday, 13 January 2014

English 9

There are only two weeks left! Make sure to check the posted marks for any missing assignments :)

Things we did today:

  • Silent Reading
  • Poetic Devices Pop-Quiz
  • Looked at lyrics: "A Well Respected Man" by the Kinks
  • Continued discussing the poem "Instructions to my Mother" 
  • Time given to work on "To Someone" poem of your own
  • Worked on "Similes and Metaphors" worksheet
  • "To Someone" poem (rough draft) due tomorrow, Jan. 14, 2014
*Write a poem to someone or something; it will be like the poems we looked at in class ("To Christine" and "Instructions to my Mother" from Sightlines 9). The poem must be free verse and must be a minimum of 14 lines. It must also pertain to the THEME for your final Poetry Project (examples of themes: environment, love, self-esteem, dance, sports, winter, summer, etc.)
  • "Similes and Metaphors" worksheet due tomorrow, Jan. 14, 2014