Thing's we did today:
- Time given to work on homework
- Powerpoint presentation on the Tudor monarchy - students filled out worksheets as I presented the Powerpoint
- Watched a short clip on Henry VIII :
- Watched a clip of King Charles I
- I am missing many "Character Sketch" worksheets for James/Charles! We will have to find time outside of class to complete these if they are not handed in Monday :(
- Notes/questions due Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013
- p.20-23
- p.26-30
- p.31-33
- p.28 questions #1, 2 & 4 (The questions ask you to "Brainstorm with a partner"< but you can just answer them on your own)
- Pamphlet assignment is due Friday, Oct. 4, 2013 (You will be getting another period in the library/lab to work on this next week)
- For those of you who want to work ahead, you can work on notes for p. 34-37